Tuesday, November 21, 2017

How the Body Heals Section 2

This is Peter Winslow, a health and life coach in private practice. Today we’ll discover the difference between “medical treatment” and “self-healing.” You may be surprised to learn that they often have very little in common. 

“Treatment” concerns external means to manipulate for an outcome, while “healing” is what occurs naturally within the body. 

When we discuss “healing” we’re talking about a subject that cannot be accurately predicted by medical data or controlled studies. Outcomes for healing are always variable; doctors can at best discuss the probabilities for any successful outcome. 

In fact, the natural energy that heals the human body is almost never discussed in western medical training. Scientists focus on the laws that govern physical tissues, systems and the matter they can observe with the implements of medical technology. They seek ways to interact with those things and they evolve their findings into methods of medical “treatment.” 

“Healing” is completely different, because healing is what you do. You already possess the energy to heal; the doctors don’t prescribe it and no one can sell it to you. In fact, “healing” is an act that ultimately depends on you. 

The energy that heals your body lives within your body, and it will never leave until you die. If you cut the finger of a cadaver you will notice that the wound will never heal. At this point, no medical treatment is useful because the healing energy is no longer in the body. 

This indicates that the power to heal is connected with the animating life force within us. This has never been studied by medical science, and the organic energy that heals your body cannot be witnessed through a microscope. It remains “meta-physical” or beyond the physical, and beyond the scope of medical technology. 

–Peter Winslow

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