Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Powerful Secret 2

I’m life coach and success catalyst Peter Winslow. In theprevious post I shared a powerful secret that can lead you to achieve your goals much more quickly and effortlessly. The secret: align your goals with your intentions.
Here are three coaching tips on how to do so:
1. Does your goal feel right to you? If it feels like something you SHOULD want rather than what in your heart of hearts you really do want, it's the wrong goal for you.
For example, I've coached many clients who wanted to leave the corporate arena because it no longer felt right for them. That's because their values and intentions were no longer aligned with their corporate goals and what it would take to achieve them.
2. Make your goal less about acquiring possessions and more about helping others. It is not necessarily wrong or greedy to be driven by personal gain. If one of your intentions is to be wealthy, you will find your goals for prosperity perfectly aligned with your intentions.
For many, money or wealth is not a strong motivator, which simply means their intentions do not reflect money as a goal. However, there are many ways to create prosperity, and the best ways happen when you focus on increasing your service to others rather than fixating on how much money you collect from them.
3.  Success-oriented people use intention to create the lives they desire, and so can you. How? Learn to create the authentic feeling of already having what you want, and then prefer more of what you already have. Start small and watch what happens over time.
With the alignment of your goals and intentions, you have a powerful formula for creating the life you desire—and you are well on your way to living it.
 –Peter Winslow